Selamat datang di Blog Rantauprapat Cyber Team, pada hari ini saya akan membagikan Internet Download Manager atau biasa disingkat IDM, idm adalah perangkat lunak/software yang mampu mengunduh data-data yang ada di internet dan meneruskan kembali. Program buatan New York, Amerika ini menempati posisi teratas dalam memaksimalkan kecepatan mengunduh data.
Dan kali ini saya akan membagikan IDM Terbaru 6.36 Build 5 Final Full Crack, yang mana idm terbaru ini mendapatkan perbaikan serta penambahan fitur - fitur yang didalam nya, berikut ini fitur yang ada di idm terbaru kali ini.
- Improved download engine
- Fixed problems in message boxes with some Unicode languages
- Improved the appearance of “Download panel” on Windows 8 and above
- Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites in IE
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Improved download engine (fixed problems with downloading from several sites such as github and others)
- Added Unicode support for command line parameters
- Improved download engine
- Improved the interception of downloads from browsers
- Improved https downloading
- Fixed compatibility problems with Tor browser
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of TS video
- Improved download engine
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Improved downloading from sharing and other web sites that generate temporary links that can be requested one time only
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Improved downloading from sharing and other web sites that generate temporary links that can be requested one time only
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Improved downloading from sharing and other web sites that generate temporary links that can be requested one time only
- Etc
Oke langsung saja, jika kamu mendownload idm versi terbaru kali ini, berikut ini linknya.
Nama : IDM 6.36 Build 5 Final Full Crack
Size : 8MB
Semoga bermanfaat, jika ada kendala ataupun masalah pada link nya, kamu bisa komen dibawah ini.
sumber ( Disini )